Friday, January 15, 2021

Scientists Drill One Mile Underneath Antarctica And Make A Mind Blowing Discovery!

My hope, is that we don't end up killing all that bacteria. They have been covered for all this time, and now we've opened them up, and introduced all NEW (to them) bacteria. I also hope that none of these will be used for war.

Easy Fresh Bread Every Night in 5 Minutes

Brought to you by Homesteading Family....
"If you want fresh bread on the table for dinner, even on busy weeknights, this is the recipe for you!

When to Start Vegetable Seeds Indoors

Here is a link to start dates:

(D)o (N)ot (A)lter - THE GMO JAB

In his own words:  Bill Gates....

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Speaking Out for a Limited Government

In a Capitalist country, the Government is not supposed to get involved in our individual personal lives. So then, why do we have a Department of Entertainment? How we entertain ourselves, is none of their business. 

There are even new laws pertaining to a certain KIND of individual, giving them certain rights over and above everyone else. This is wrong. EVERYONE should be treated equally, no matter who they are, or what they've done.

There is such a thing as privacy. So why would we have a Federal Healthcare Program? What happens to patient/Doctor confidentiality once the Federal Government gets a hold of something? It is no longer private. Your body and your health should not be any of the government's business.

When the government goes INTO business, it would be in direct competition with their own citizens. Case in point, look how many Insurance companies went out of business, because of the government going into that same business. Look at the thousands of family's lives that were hurt. They were either put out of business because they were in direct competition with the government, or families who were happy with their own insurance company LOST it.

There are many other Departments that have no business being part of the government. What does the Department of Arts do? Sit around arranging flowers? Critiquing paintings? 

The letter A has 37 Federal Agencies, Departments, and Administrations. Can you just imagine how many MORE there are? We are paying the taxes to pay for all that overhead and salaries. We need to get rid of them all... and get government OUT of our private lives.


A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Nashville AT&T bombing a test? 

FIRST explosion?



" short, we need a great reset."


Gates' new book coming out in Feb "How To Avoid A Climate Disaster"

So now Gates' NEW pandemic for 2021 is Climate Change?

Gates' Blog Article: This "ingenious machine" turns feces into drinking water?

 Link to Article:

" create the world that we want" ~Gates

 " create the world that we want' ~Gates
"vaccines will stop when we have vaccinated at least 700,000,000"


Gates in 2015....

 Gates telling this will end ONLY when 7billion people have been vaccinated (with his mRNA Vaccine) !


The Queen's Christmas Broadcast 2020 ~ BBC

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise Oct. 18, 2019 Full Video