Saturday, August 22, 2020

Grow your clothing? Grass dress, algae shoes, kombucha fabric!

People Are Building These Bunkers Everywhere, Are They Crazy?

from Canadian Prepper...

"The Bunker building business is booming, in today's video I do a critical analysis of the book "Bunker: Building for the End Times: Garrett, Bradley." I do this while showing exclusive footage of the bunker building industry courtesy of Atlas Survival Shelters. I assess that the book has many flaws which doesn't give an accurate picture of the preparedness community nor the industry that serves it."

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Best Scent Control For Deer Hunting

from Whitetail Habitat Solutions...

"The best scent control for deer hunting doesn't have to complicated. In fact controlling your scent when deer hunting relies on your ability NOT to leave a spiderweb of scent that saturated your entire property. Only a few days of hunting can destroy your land not from your stand location, but how you travel to and from your stand locations. Leaving your scent behind carelessly as you travel to and from your treestands not only can reduced your chances on your current hunt, but future hunts as well. Your combined spiderwebs of scent trails for just a 3 day hunt can ruin your hunting opportunities for weeks to come. Here is the best way to control your scent for not only your next sit, but for an entire weekend of hunting."

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Off Grid Homesteading / the tools you'll need.

"Here we'll discuss the basic set of tools you'll need to walk onto a raw piece of land and start clearing, building, cutting firewood, gardening etc. The way I see it there are 3 types of tools you'll need to get things done on an off-grid homestead... watch the video and find out what they are." ~Dave Whipple

Driving a hand pump well at a remote off-grid Wilderness Camp

"In this video, Brooke and I drive a well at our remote off grid camp in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with the help of our good friend Scott. Its amazing to be able to get drinking water right out of the ground, onyour own property.

Living off grid is a simple and quiet way to live but it does require a few systems to be in place in order to feel comfortable and have your needs met. An outhouse is top priority, and I would say a well comes in a close second. Having a way to get water for showers, the garden, your pets and of course to drink... that's an amazing and wonderful thing.

I hope you enjoy seeing to process of digging a pilot hole, driving the well pipe, putting on the pump, and ultimately pumping your own water out of the ground."

Collecting Rain Water at an off-grid cabin

"In this video I collect a 55 gallon drum of fresh rain water at my cabin in interior Alaska during a hard rain storm. Living off grid is so much easier with your own water source. Weather you're homesteading, or living in a tiny house, or just at the family cabin, a simple rain water collection system is easy to build and will fill many of your water needs."

Build an off-grid shower house

"Do you live off grid? Do you need a shower house? Here is one way to build it! In this video we build a small building, install a tub, drain kit, linoleum, a bathroom mirror, and a pump shower!

Building an outhouse at a remote off-grid wilderness camp / hunting lodge or bug-out camp

"My wife Brooke and I built an out house at our remote wilderness camp in the back country of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We are completely off grid here at camp. So, we have to use a generator and do all the digging by hand. Every camp, cabin, farm and homestead needs to have an outhouse. Its been the best "way to go" for thousands of years. In this video we'll show you ONE way to go about building an old-school outhouse."

15 AWESOME Camping Inventions that are Next Level / also for hunting or bug-out

"The next level camping inventions that make camping life just a bit easier! I hope you all enjoy today's post on awesome camping inventions!"


"The secret service is responsible for protecting the president and his family from outside threats. Today we're taking a look at some of the most incredible secret service tactics."

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Fastest Meat to Grow (473 LBS in 58 Days) Harvest

from the Justin Rhodes Homestead...

"Hands down the easiest, fastest way to grow your own food (small space). Unbelievable how these Meat chickens gave us 473 pounds in our freezer in just 58 days and maybe 5,000 square feet. This is our harvest day, and here’s why I think it was so successful."

EXTREME Off-Grid Living in a 4 Season Tent & Tiny Truck Camper

from Exploring Alternatives...

Brian has been living off the grid full-time with his dog Sierra since 2015. In the summer he lives in the back of a 4x4 Toyota Tacoma pickup truck with a DIY slide out extension, and in the winter he lives in a Big Horn III outfitter-style tent with a wood stove. At the start of his journey, he was working odd-jobs as a ranch hand, landscaping, and doing trail work, but now he earns a living as a digital nomad with his YouTube channel, Off-Grid Backcountry Adventures.

Living on a Self-Sufficient Sailboat for 10 Years + FULL TOUR

from Exploring Alternatives...

Brian and Karin Trautman have been living on a sailboat for 10 years, and their boat is set up so they can be off the grid in remote places for months at a time with solar and wind power providing electricity, a water maker that turns salt water into fresh water, multiple freezers and loads of storage space for food, and even a small washing machine on board! 
They've sailed SV Delos – a 53' sloop rig ketch – 83,000 nautical miles which is the equivalent of circling the earth at the equator more than 3 times. Their latest adventures include sailing as a family with their 6-month baby, Sierra, and outfitting the boat with a heater so they can explore the Arctic this summer after several years in the Tropics.

Where to Buy Ammunition / How Much of Each Caliber

from Prescott Caliber Club...
"In this Installment Ryan Jeske addresses the age old questions Where to Buy Ammunition and How Much of Each Caliber you should have prepped."