from Open Source News with BCP (Black Conservative Patriot)...
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Top 10 Summer Deer Hunting Strategy Mistakes
from Whitetail Habitat Solutions...
"Ok, so maybe there are only 9 Summer deer hunting strategy mistakes and
one of those doesn't even have anything to do with deer hunting - woops!
The point is that if you are doing these things - or not - you will
find yourself washing away your potential of deer hunting success for
this Fall. Are you in need of a heavy dose of Summer deer strategy that
you can practice for this Fall? Then you need to make sure that you
avoid these deer strategy mistakes! From not shooting your bow to
spending too much time chasing a hole in one, here are 8 or 9 mistakes
that you can make this Summer, if your goal is to discover an incredible
deer hunt this Fall."
"Ok, so maybe there are only 9 Summer deer hunting strategy mistakes and
one of those doesn't even have anything to do with deer hunting - woops!
The point is that if you are doing these things - or not - you will
find yourself washing away your potential of deer hunting success for
this Fall. Are you in need of a heavy dose of Summer deer strategy that
you can practice for this Fall? Then you need to make sure that you
avoid these deer strategy mistakes! From not shooting your bow to
spending too much time chasing a hole in one, here are 8 or 9 mistakes
that you can make this Summer, if your goal is to discover an incredible
deer hunt this Fall."
Hunters... Plant Brassicas For Deer!
from Whitetail Habitat Solutions...
"Planting a brassica plot can be the single greatest food plot seed that
you can plant, or that tiny little seed can lead to one giant food plot
fail. However, rarely does a Brassica food plot fail IF you follow these
brassica planting rules that I have experienced since 1999. If the deer
in your area like brassica plantings then count yourself truly blessed!
The overall volume and quality of food plot forage that you can
experience in a very short time, can not be ignored. For high volume
food plantings that carry an incredible amount of power to deliver the
best herd and hunting success that you can find, it will serve you well
to consider a brassica planting this Fall. Here is how to make sure that
your brassica planting delivers at a time that you and the local deer
herd needs it the most."
"Planting a brassica plot can be the single greatest food plot seed that
you can plant, or that tiny little seed can lead to one giant food plot
fail. However, rarely does a Brassica food plot fail IF you follow these
brassica planting rules that I have experienced since 1999. If the deer
in your area like brassica plantings then count yourself truly blessed!
The overall volume and quality of food plot forage that you can
experience in a very short time, can not be ignored. For high volume
food plantings that carry an incredible amount of power to deliver the
best herd and hunting success that you can find, it will serve you well
to consider a brassica planting this Fall. Here is how to make sure that
your brassica planting delivers at a time that you and the local deer
herd needs it the most."
Overnight $250 Walmart Survival Challenge
from Corporals Corner...
What does $250 worth of gear from Walmart look like?
This Video is geared towards the beginner bushcrafter or someone on a
budget. You can still Get Out and have fun with Budget Gear.
What does $250 worth of gear from Walmart look like?
This Video is geared towards the beginner bushcrafter or someone on a
budget. You can still Get Out and have fun with Budget Gear.
Everyone Became a Prepper in 2020 / Financial CRISIS
from Canadian Prepper...
"A stock market on the brink of bursting, a doomsday clock edging closer to midnight, preppers in the spotlight and swindlers open up shop, all this and more in today's video!"
"A stock market on the brink of bursting, a doomsday clock edging closer to midnight, preppers in the spotlight and swindlers open up shop, all this and more in today's video!"
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Pickled Eggs, Preserving the Perfect Snack
"As strange as pickled eggs may seem, they make for a wonderful snack and pickling is a great method to preserve eggs for long term storage. Today we share our simple brine recipe and bring you along the entire process."
Making Soil Blocks: #1 Method For Starting Seeds (w/ Jim Kovaleski)
"There are countless reasons soil blocks are the best option for some of our favorite vegetable starts. This special seedling method has been a large part of Jim Kovaleski's garden success, especially when it comes to planting out his lettuce varieties. We are keeping our promise to bring you a lot more great content with our dear friend Jim, as he transitions into the next succession of veggies for his local farmers market circuits. Jim has been an inspiration to many of us for a decade now. His market garden is a work of edible art, filled with our favorite annual vegetables that are always so sought after by the local co-ops & markets."
Successfully Growing Food in Sand? They used a Cuban Technique called "Organopónicos"
from Green Dreams FL with Pete Kanaris...
"With the Covid-19 Pandemic and food shortages becoming a reality, It was a good time to visit and get an update with Josh Jamison, over at HEART Village. Every year they see their soil fertility increase using the Cuban Model; "Organopónicos". In this video, Josh delivers highly valuable information that would be of great assistance to anyone growing food and trying to maximize their yields."
"With the Covid-19 Pandemic and food shortages becoming a reality, It was a good time to visit and get an update with Josh Jamison, over at HEART Village. Every year they see their soil fertility increase using the Cuban Model; "Organopónicos". In this video, Josh delivers highly valuable information that would be of great assistance to anyone growing food and trying to maximize their yields."
REVIEW: Panda B45 Portable Washing Machine Demo - for cabin, RV, motel, tiny home
REVIEW by Homesteading Ways and Beyond...
"This Panda washing machine has a capacity of 10lbs [and] has a separate compartment for spinning the excess water out of your clothes. Take a look at the video and see how well it works. Maybe this will work for YOUR small living area."
"This Panda washing machine has a capacity of 10lbs [and] has a separate compartment for spinning the excess water out of your clothes. Take a look at the video and see how well it works. Maybe this will work for YOUR small living area."
Canning GROUND Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Sausage, Venison
from Guildbrook Farm...
"Step-by-step instructions on HOW TO CAN any ground meat with a pressure canner including ground beef, ground turkey, ground chicken, ground sausage, and even ground venison. Canned meat will save money on groceries and can be used to make quick meals."
"Step-by-step instructions on HOW TO CAN any ground meat with a pressure canner including ground beef, ground turkey, ground chicken, ground sausage, and even ground venison. Canned meat will save money on groceries and can be used to make quick meals."
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
from Open Source News with BCP...
Dutchsinse 5/26/20 ~ West Coast USA due for M5.0 ~ California and Oregon -- W. Pacific Large event due
from Dutchsinse, IMHO, the best earthquake announcer around!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Dead Zone - Plague 2003 TV Movie Predicts Coronavirus & Hydroxychloroquine???
Isn't it strange, how a movie in 2003 can predict everything that has happened today???
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Top CDC Official: ‘We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States’ Who Refuse Vaccines!
At first I thought this was the same lady who said they would only pick people who "pledged allegiance to the New World Order" and then make up "a committee to make sure they complied," but it's not. They certainly have taken a long time (50+ years) to seed our Government, our schools, and my guess even our churches, with like-minded people!
(link to 'allegiance to NWO lady in comments)
(link to 'allegiance to NWO lady in comments)
Friday, May 22, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
How to Pick Nearly Every Lock: Combination Locks, Hand Cuffs, and More.
"In this episode... I go over how to pick master locks,
bicycle locks, handcuffs, combination locks, wafer locks, and more. This
is for educational use only and should not be used for criminal
bicycle locks, handcuffs, combination locks, wafer locks, and more. This
is for educational use only and should not be used for criminal
PDF Link: National Security Strategy of the United States of America
This is the link to the U.S.'s 68 page PDF of 2017...
"The United States faces an extraordinarily dangerous world, fi lled with a wide range of threats that have intensified in recent years. When I came into office, rogue regimes were developing nuclear weapons and missiles to threaten the entire planet. Radical Islamist terror groups were fl ourishing. Terrorists had taken control of vast swaths of the Middle East. Rival powers were aggressively undermining American interests around the globe. At home, porous borders and unenforced immigration laws had created a host of vulnerabilities. Criminal cartels were bringing drugs and danger into our communities. Unfair trade practices had weakened our economy and exported our jobs overseas. Unfair burden-sharing with our allies and inadequate investment in our own defense had invited danger from those who wish us harm. Too many Americans had lost trust in our government, faith in our future, and confidence in our values."
PDF Link:
"The United States faces an extraordinarily dangerous world, fi lled with a wide range of threats that have intensified in recent years. When I came into office, rogue regimes were developing nuclear weapons and missiles to threaten the entire planet. Radical Islamist terror groups were fl ourishing. Terrorists had taken control of vast swaths of the Middle East. Rival powers were aggressively undermining American interests around the globe. At home, porous borders and unenforced immigration laws had created a host of vulnerabilities. Criminal cartels were bringing drugs and danger into our communities. Unfair trade practices had weakened our economy and exported our jobs overseas. Unfair burden-sharing with our allies and inadequate investment in our own defense had invited danger from those who wish us harm. Too many Americans had lost trust in our government, faith in our future, and confidence in our values."
PDF Link:
PDF LINK: Sweden's National Security Strategy
15 page PDF...
"This security strategy encompasses many different policy areas, with relevant actors in both the public and private sectors. The Government has overall responsibility, and following the establishment of this strategy all ministries are to adopt this approach as the next steps are taken and work on various initiatives is carried out. But security efforts are a task for the whole of society. Active involvement is required by central, regional and local authorities, as well as by individuals, businesses and civil society."
PDF Link:
"This security strategy encompasses many different policy areas, with relevant actors in both the public and private sectors. The Government has overall responsibility, and following the establishment of this strategy all ministries are to adopt this approach as the next steps are taken and work on various initiatives is carried out. But security efforts are a task for the whole of society. Active involvement is required by central, regional and local authorities, as well as by individuals, businesses and civil society."
PDF Link:
Article Link: AARP's Operation Emergency Prepare: Tips, Tools and Resources for Organizers
Article Link: AARP's Operation Emergency Prepare: Tips, Tools and Resources for Organizers...
Article Link:
Article Link:
Article Link: AARP's Operation Emergency Prepare: Guide For Individuals
This is a Link to AARP's (very lacking, but a start) Emergency Prepare webpage Guide For Individuals...
Article Link:
Article Link:
Article Link: Prepping for Individuals with Disabilities
Article link to AARP's webpage to help the Disabled in an Emergency...
Article Link: Prepare For Emergencies Now, Information For Older Americans.
This is a 2 page flier PDF put out by FEMA
...and is ill-thought out (3-day food supply?), but at least a start.
...and is ill-thought out (3-day food supply?), but at least a start.
Grid Down: Collapse of Critical Infrastructure
from Canadian Prepper...
"An analysis of how the 16 sectors of critical infrastructure as identified by the Dept. of Homeland Security will be impacted by disasters of a national scope." Part 1
"An analysis of how the 16 sectors of critical infrastructure as identified by the Dept. of Homeland Security will be impacted by disasters of a national scope." Part 1
After The Collapse: Pestilence, Disease and Plague
from Canadian Prepper...
"Part 1 of a new series. A short video about the pestilence, the collapse of big agriculture, the spread of disease and what it may entail... my most ambitious project to date visually speaking!"
"Part 1 of a new series. A short video about the pestilence, the collapse of big agriculture, the spread of disease and what it may entail... my most ambitious project to date visually speaking!"
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
JW 5/18/20 ~ Court Battle over Coronavirus Cash Payments for Illegal Aliens in MARYLAND
from Judicial Watch with Tom Fitton...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
from Open Source News with BCP...
from Homesteady...
What are the best animals to raise for meat if you live in an urban area, or on very small acreage?
What are the best animals to raise for meat if you live in an urban area, or on very small acreage?
10 Preps to STOCKPILE with Your STIMULUS Check
from Canadian Prepper...
"In today's video I discuss what I would do with my stimulus check if I was new to prepping and had $1200 to spend on supplies."
"In today's video I discuss what I would do with my stimulus check if I was new to prepping and had $1200 to spend on supplies."
Saturday, May 16, 2020
from Open Source News with BCP...
Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot
Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot
Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot
Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot
CDC Data Proves COVID19 is Bogus ~ MORE LIES
Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19.
Qanon 05/16/20 ~ Time To Stand!
from Praying Medic...
"It's time to take a stand against corrupt politicians and the dishonest press."
"It's time to take a stand against corrupt politicians and the dishonest press."
Earth FEELS Comet SWAN! / Bizarre "Sky Square" above Yuma, Az / Vongfong erupts!
from MrMBB333...
The weather, earthquakes etc that MAY be caused by Comet Swan?
The weather, earthquakes etc that MAY be caused by Comet Swan?
Dutchsinse 05/15/20 ~ Very large M6.5 Earthquake strikes California / Nevada border at volcanic field 152,488 views •Premiered 15 hours ago 6.2K
from Durchsinse...
"The Montecristo Volcanic field, located at the border of Nevada and Central California, was struck by the largest earthquake in years for the state of Nevada. Felt reports as far South as Ridgecrest California, and as far North as Lake Tahoe."
"The Montecristo Volcanic field, located at the border of Nevada and Central California, was struck by the largest earthquake in years for the state of Nevada. Felt reports as far South as Ridgecrest California, and as far North as Lake Tahoe."
Earthquake: Disaster foretold in the Pacific Northwest
from King 5...
"A KING 5 special presentation spotlights the major earthquake threats facing the Pacific Northwest and what residents can do to prepare."
"A KING 5 special presentation spotlights the major earthquake threats facing the Pacific Northwest and what residents can do to prepare."
Friday, May 15, 2020
6.5 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Nevada Near Area 51 - Space Weather Connection Revealed
from Oppenheimer Project...
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Qanon 05/14/20 ~ The Swamp Runs Deep
from Praying Medic...
Government Overreach,
Dutchsinse 5/12/20 ~ Large Earthquake strikes (M6.6) West Pacific / Expected upwelling from Pacific deep EQ
from Dutchsinse...
"Seismic activity has returned in earnest with the expected M6.6 (shallower larger earthquake) next to the deep M6.1 from a few days ago.This is the first of several expected large events over the next few days."
"Seismic activity has returned in earnest with the expected M6.6 (shallower larger earthquake) next to the deep M6.1 from a few days ago.This is the first of several expected large events over the next few days."
REVIEW: The Solar Generator King of off-the-grid power: Inergy Flex
from City Prepping...
"The new Inergy Flex is a 2nd Generation Solar that introduces features not seen before. In this video, we'll discuss how the features and how this stacks up."
"The new Inergy Flex is a 2nd Generation Solar that introduces features not seen before. In this video, we'll discuss how the features and how this stacks up."
Why was Obama unmasking 100s of American citizens?
from Sebastian Gorka...
"Sebastian discusses Obama's culpability in the Flynn unmasking scandal, with special guests Hogan Gidley, The Federalist's Sean Davis, Trish Regan, Texas salon owner Shelley Luther, and Howie Carr."
"Sebastian discusses Obama's culpability in the Flynn unmasking scandal, with special guests Hogan Gidley, The Federalist's Sean Davis, Trish Regan, Texas salon owner Shelley Luther, and Howie Carr."
Glenn Beck ~ CHINA INFILTRATING OUR EDUCATION: Propaganda centers on campus and professors PAID to smuggle research.
"There's little reason to think China is NOT doing what they can to spread propaganda around the world -- including here at home. After all, the Chinese government has a MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA (or, officially known as "The Publicity Department"). But most likely don't know HOW rampant their efforts have been on college campuses throughout the United States. Campus Reform Editor-in-Chief Cabot Phillips tells Glenn about the CPP's two-pronged approach which includes some SERIOUSLY scary initiatives: from "Confucius Centers" on American campuses that aim to "correct" curriculum that includes Chinese history, to professors being PAID by the Communist Party to smuggle school research back to the motherland."
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
from Open Source News with BCP...
Friday, May 8, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
DUTCHSINSE 5/6/20 ~ Large M6.8 Earthquake in West Pacific / USA seismic unrest in Canada and EAST COAST
From Dutchsinse...
"A large M6.8 Earthquake has struck the West Pacific in Indonesia. Additionally, a spread of seismic activity has gone from the West Coast of the USA across over to the East coast USA in Vermont!"
"A large M6.8 Earthquake has struck the West Pacific in Indonesia. Additionally, a spread of seismic activity has gone from the West Coast of the USA across over to the East coast USA in Vermont!"
Monday, May 4, 2020
from Open Source News with BCP...
Qanon 5/4/20 ~ Treason Doesn't Pay Well In the End
from Praying Medic...
"Corrupt people are desperately trying to regain control, but Q warns that they will soon be put on trial for their crimes."
"Corrupt people are desperately trying to regain control, but Q warns that they will soon be put on trial for their crimes."
Sunday, May 3, 2020
How I Feed My Family for 1 Year ~ What Does It Take?
from Deep South Homestead...
"What does it take to feed 2 people for 1 year? Danny and I discuss dinner and supper (lunch and dinner) whatever you want to call them. How much home canned food does it take to feed 2 people for 1 year?"
"What does it take to feed 2 people for 1 year? Danny and I discuss dinner and supper (lunch and dinner) whatever you want to call them. How much home canned food does it take to feed 2 people for 1 year?"
Saturday, May 2, 2020
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