Thursday, December 31, 2020

Infrastructure Under Attack, Get Ready For Grid Down

from Survival Living
"With the uptake on power failures and reports of attack on our power grid, we all need to be ready. If you haven't begun prepping please begin."


Saturday, December 5, 2020

How to Bury a Conex-Shipping Container

How to bury a conex-shipping Container. full of excellent tips on building an underground garage.

HUNTING: Why Scrapes Make the Best Whitetail Hunting Spots and When to Hunt Near Them

Scouting for scrapes and hunting near them is a huge part of our deer hunting strategy. It is a great technique to see and harvest deer. Watch to see more of the biology behind scrapes, how deer use them for communicating with other whitetails and which scrapes are the best for hunting near. Dr. Grant Woods (Ph.D Wildlife Biologist) has learned a lot about scrapes over the years. He pioneered early research using infrared cameras to gather data about scrape activity. It was the most exciting and pioneering research of the day that had a huge impact on deer hunting. Grant shares how some of the early research was conducted and what was learned from that scrape research.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Recommended Books For Your Survival Library

from Survival Dispatch....

"There are a vast amount of survival resources available online. But what happens when the power grid goes down due to the weather, rolling blackouts, an EMP strike, or another reason? In this video, Sootch provides recommended books that you should have on hand if you're serious about your prepping and survival. Everything from starting a fire and filtering water to preparing a home defense plan is covered."

Using your Backpack as a Flotation Device

from Survival Dispatch....
"Sometimes a water crossing can not be avoided when traveling in austere conditions. Charley Hogwood shows us a way to cross a body of water while keeping your pack and gear dry. Set this one to memory and it will serve you well someday!"

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Where to Aim: A Guide for Deer Hunters from Real Hunts (#564)


"One of the most important things about being a deer hunter is understanding and knowing exactly where to aim: with a gun, with a bow, broadside, quartering away, quartering to, and when they drop. Watch this video for real hunting situations that show where to aim to drop a deer for an easy recovery.

The tips and information shared in this video can be a valuable tool in hunter education! Watch and share with your friends that deer hunt today!"

Top 10 Deer Hunting Mistakes

from Whitetail Habitat Solutions...

"The best way to learn how to hunt deer, is by paying attention to other
hunter's mistakes and deer success stories. While there is an endless
supply of deer hunting tips online, in print and on cable TV hunting
shows, I have experienced that if you learn what NOT to do first, it
will really help narrow down your hunting efforts. Are you ready to take
your deer hunting efforts to the next level? Then make sure that you
avoid these top 10 deer hunting mistakes.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

DIY Deadfall Step by Step

How to build a figure 4 trigger deadfall trap, step by step...
by Survival Living

How To Set Up A Spring Snare

How to make and set up a spring snare.
by Survival Living...

Monday, September 7, 2020

Turning Old Jewelry Into Pure Gold Bars

from Nile Red...

"A few months ago, one of my patrons sent me a bunch of old gold jewelry for me to refine. I originally thought that it was going to just be some gold plated stuff, but it turned out to be quite a bit of gold. I was able to purify out all of the gold and then melt them down into some small 24K pure gold bars."

Ten Things You Should Know About Socialism

from Mises Media with Thomas J. DiLorenzo...
"Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 15 July 2020."

California Is Burning: Inside The Collapse Of The Golden State

from Burning Point USA...
"California is burning. The fire is one that has torched other nations down to embers, and leaves a path of destruction and devastation. It causes families and businesses to flee, and drives thousands into poverty and homelessness.

Nearly 1 in 4 Californians live in poverty. An estimated 150,000 homeless people live in California, including 10,000 veterans and 11,000 eighteen to twenty-four year olds. The downward cycle of homelessness is the DIRECT RESULT OF SOCIALIST POLICIES. This is the inevitable conclusion of socialist governments.

This is the untold story of socialism in the sunshine state."

How To Butcher A Duck Video Link

 from Justin Rhode's Abundant Permaculture Website... 

"They said it was going to be difficult to pluck a duck. I believed them, and hired a pro. He taught me a few tricks and it was crazy easy!"

See ALL the butchering steps, HERE: 

Sunday, September 6, 2020


"Tips for compost toilet, compost poop without SMELLY compost and better
composting in the end. A 5 Gal bucket compost toilet at our small cabin
is the best off grid toilet system and lactobacillus bacteria makes it
all the better. Do it without or with less odor and get rid of odor by
eliminating it from the start. You will learn how to stop smelly
compost, how to compost poop, and how to deal with composting toilets
especially with a 5 gallon bucket system. So sit back with your favorite
drink and let the ideas start to flow towards how to better use a
composting toilet. I believe that this really is the best off grid
toilet especially with the LABs."


"Cosmic Disaster, Solar Micronova, Superflare, Magnetic Reversal, Crustal Displacement, Ice Age, Tsunamis, Volcanoes... it's all here, it's all been done before and it's all coming again soon.

Science tells us these magnetic events come on a cycle, we are due up again now, and shocker... the magnetic field is shifting and accelerating. This is not a coincidence."

Article Link: 22 Best Google Maps Tips and Tricks That You’ll Love

 "Many of us, can’t even fathom the idea of driving around new places without the ever helpful Google Maps. From getting directions to popular coffee shops to navigating around in road trips, it’s an almost indispensable tool to have when you’re on the road. Just so you don’t miss out on the awesome features that this app comes with, we have made a list of them. Most of these have been tried and tested on Google Maps Android app. Should work on the iOS app too. There are both the usual suspects and some relatively unknown tips in this list."

Link to Article: 

  Google Map Features

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Article Link: Each State Perfectly Portrayed By One Photograph


America, the Beautiful: A mix of 50 states and 50 cultures, with something to excite everyone! While most citizens have a favorite place or two, it's tough to become an expert on such a big country. 

Many people, especially those who live outside the US, tend to clump all the states together and view all American citizens as simply “American”. Is that the truth?

Link to Article: 


Friday, September 4, 2020

How to Grow Purple Bok Choy in Containers (Seed to Harvest) Progression Guide

from Hollis and Nancy's Homestead...
In 3-gallon containers, step by step instruction video.

How to Grow Lettuce in Containers (Seed to Harvest) Progression Growing Guide

from Hollis and Nancy's Homestead...
In 2-gallon buckets, step by step instruction video.

Building Your Home Herbal Medicine Cabinet with Amy Hamilton

Journey into the synergy of food as medicine and medicine as food that
will help heal and sustain you for life and wellness with Amy Hamilton
of Appalachian Seeds Farm & Nursery. Learn how to prepare your own
guaranteed fresh ingredients in forms that will be easy to preserve and
utilize all year long. Celebrate the healing power of plants in the
garden by making them available to your family for nutritious and
delicious remedies.

The Winter Harvest with Eliot Coleman

This is Eliot Coleman's presentation at the Asheville Mother Earth News
Fair in April of 2016. Eliot is a celebrated farming expert encouraging
people and communities to choose locally grown organic food. He helped
pioneer the movement with his first book "The New Organic Grower"
published over 20 years ago. He continues leading the way, expanding the
limits of the harvest season deep into and through winter at his
world-renowned farm in Harborside, Maine.

His latest book, "The Winter Harvest Handbook" which is featured in this
talk, shares his hard-won experience for gardeners and farmers alike.
Reap the benefits of his wisdom and grow abundant cold season harvests
even through the depths of winter. Grow quality produce in unheated or
minimally heated, movable greenhouses by adopting his innovative
practices and adapting them to your own climate.

Article Link: Generator Safety

 Generator Safety (1 pg PDF)

Generators can be helpful when the power goes out for an extended period of time. It is important to know how use them safely to prevent fires, carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and electrocution.

LINK to Article: 


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Grow your clothing? Grass dress, algae shoes, kombucha fabric!

People Are Building These Bunkers Everywhere, Are They Crazy?

from Canadian Prepper...

"The Bunker building business is booming, in today's video I do a critical analysis of the book "Bunker: Building for the End Times: Garrett, Bradley." I do this while showing exclusive footage of the bunker building industry courtesy of Atlas Survival Shelters. I assess that the book has many flaws which doesn't give an accurate picture of the preparedness community nor the industry that serves it."

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Best Scent Control For Deer Hunting

from Whitetail Habitat Solutions...

"The best scent control for deer hunting doesn't have to complicated. In fact controlling your scent when deer hunting relies on your ability NOT to leave a spiderweb of scent that saturated your entire property. Only a few days of hunting can destroy your land not from your stand location, but how you travel to and from your stand locations. Leaving your scent behind carelessly as you travel to and from your treestands not only can reduced your chances on your current hunt, but future hunts as well. Your combined spiderwebs of scent trails for just a 3 day hunt can ruin your hunting opportunities for weeks to come. Here is the best way to control your scent for not only your next sit, but for an entire weekend of hunting."

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Off Grid Homesteading / the tools you'll need.

"Here we'll discuss the basic set of tools you'll need to walk onto a raw piece of land and start clearing, building, cutting firewood, gardening etc. The way I see it there are 3 types of tools you'll need to get things done on an off-grid homestead... watch the video and find out what they are." ~Dave Whipple

Driving a hand pump well at a remote off-grid Wilderness Camp

"In this video, Brooke and I drive a well at our remote off grid camp in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with the help of our good friend Scott. Its amazing to be able to get drinking water right out of the ground, onyour own property.

Living off grid is a simple and quiet way to live but it does require a few systems to be in place in order to feel comfortable and have your needs met. An outhouse is top priority, and I would say a well comes in a close second. Having a way to get water for showers, the garden, your pets and of course to drink... that's an amazing and wonderful thing.

I hope you enjoy seeing to process of digging a pilot hole, driving the well pipe, putting on the pump, and ultimately pumping your own water out of the ground."

Collecting Rain Water at an off-grid cabin

"In this video I collect a 55 gallon drum of fresh rain water at my cabin in interior Alaska during a hard rain storm. Living off grid is so much easier with your own water source. Weather you're homesteading, or living in a tiny house, or just at the family cabin, a simple rain water collection system is easy to build and will fill many of your water needs."

Build an off-grid shower house

"Do you live off grid? Do you need a shower house? Here is one way to build it! In this video we build a small building, install a tub, drain kit, linoleum, a bathroom mirror, and a pump shower!

Building an outhouse at a remote off-grid wilderness camp / hunting lodge or bug-out camp

"My wife Brooke and I built an out house at our remote wilderness camp in the back country of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We are completely off grid here at camp. So, we have to use a generator and do all the digging by hand. Every camp, cabin, farm and homestead needs to have an outhouse. Its been the best "way to go" for thousands of years. In this video we'll show you ONE way to go about building an old-school outhouse."

15 AWESOME Camping Inventions that are Next Level / also for hunting or bug-out

"The next level camping inventions that make camping life just a bit easier! I hope you all enjoy today's post on awesome camping inventions!"


"The secret service is responsible for protecting the president and his family from outside threats. Today we're taking a look at some of the most incredible secret service tactics."

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Fastest Meat to Grow (473 LBS in 58 Days) Harvest

from the Justin Rhodes Homestead...

"Hands down the easiest, fastest way to grow your own food (small space). Unbelievable how these Meat chickens gave us 473 pounds in our freezer in just 58 days and maybe 5,000 square feet. This is our harvest day, and here’s why I think it was so successful."

EXTREME Off-Grid Living in a 4 Season Tent & Tiny Truck Camper

from Exploring Alternatives...

Brian has been living off the grid full-time with his dog Sierra since 2015. In the summer he lives in the back of a 4x4 Toyota Tacoma pickup truck with a DIY slide out extension, and in the winter he lives in a Big Horn III outfitter-style tent with a wood stove. At the start of his journey, he was working odd-jobs as a ranch hand, landscaping, and doing trail work, but now he earns a living as a digital nomad with his YouTube channel, Off-Grid Backcountry Adventures.

Living on a Self-Sufficient Sailboat for 10 Years + FULL TOUR

from Exploring Alternatives...

Brian and Karin Trautman have been living on a sailboat for 10 years, and their boat is set up so they can be off the grid in remote places for months at a time with solar and wind power providing electricity, a water maker that turns salt water into fresh water, multiple freezers and loads of storage space for food, and even a small washing machine on board! 
They've sailed SV Delos – a 53' sloop rig ketch – 83,000 nautical miles which is the equivalent of circling the earth at the equator more than 3 times. Their latest adventures include sailing as a family with their 6-month baby, Sierra, and outfitting the boat with a heater so they can explore the Arctic this summer after several years in the Tropics.

Where to Buy Ammunition / How Much of Each Caliber

from Prescott Caliber Club...
"In this Installment Ryan Jeske addresses the age old questions Where to Buy Ammunition and How Much of Each Caliber you should have prepped."

Friday, July 31, 2020

Article Link: CIA 1035-960: "Countering Criticism... " ~ "All horrifying facts are first called conspiricies."

Article: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration: CIA 1035-960 - "Countering Criticism of the Warren Report", NARA Record Number: 104-10404-10376

How/why the CIA coined "Conspiracy Theory."

Sunday, July 26, 2020

10 Low Cost Items To Buy Before The Next Great Depression

from City Prepping...
"Is another Great Depression on the horizon? If so, what affordable items should you get now? One item discussed in this video, precious metals presents an opportunity to harbor some of your finances as a hedge against hyperinflation."

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Dutchsinse 7/25/20 ~ MAJOR DISCOVERY proves years of research correct -- Solar activity causes Earthquakes

from Dutchsinse...

"There is a relation between large earthquakes and solar events according to new research.... now discovered by professionals. This proves years of our research correct in regards to seismic solar connections, additionally proving HAARP radio wave theories correct in the process." ~ Dutchsinse

"In this paper, we analyze 20 years of proton density and velocity data, as recorded by the SOHO satellite, and the worldwide seismicity in the corresponding period, as reported by the ISC-GEM catalogue. We found clear correlation between proton density and the occurrence of large earthquakes greater than 5.6, with a time shift of one day. The significance of such correlation is very high, with probability to be wrong lower than 10–5. The correlation increases with the magnitude threshold of the seismic catalogue. A tentative model explaining such a correlation is also proposed, in terms of the reverse piezoelectric effect induced by the applied electric field related to the proton density. This result opens new perspectives in seismological interpretations, as well as in earthquake forecast." ~USGS


September Asteroid Impact? Real Data

from the Real BPEarthWatch...

Friday, July 24, 2020

WHS: Best Fall Food Plot

from Whitetail Habitat Solutions...

"The best Fall food plot that you can plant, is the foundation of the entire food plot pyramid. While some work from the top down, the true potential of planting food plots to improve your local herd and hunt, centers around working from the bottom up. When you build the foundation of the Fall food plot pyramid first, then incredible things will happen! Would you like to plant the best Fall food plot that will benefit both your h Rd and your hunt? Then you need to pay attention to these decades proven Fall food plot planting strategies that have been applied to 10s of thousands of hunters across the entire country. Here are the best Fall food plot plantings that you should be applying to your deer hunting land this season."

How To Make A Cement Mini Water Filter

Note: This is for DIRTY water, NOT for water with chemicals in it!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

@Pains Angels 6/17/20: We R With U

@Pains Angels 4/10/20: The Delicate Dance

PTV Ep1 Link: Dustin Penner

PTV Ep1: Dustin Penner

YouTube LINK:

Article Link: How the coronavirus pandemic can help us prepare for an asteroid impact

By Leonard David

Linda Billings, a consultant to NASA's Astrobiology Program and the PDCO, also points to technological preparedness, particularly the need for a space-based near-Earth object survey telescope. "The small-bodies community has been saying this for years," she said.

Furthermore, better ground-based observing systems and more missions to demonstrate deflection techniques are also needed, Billings said. As for lessons learned given the pandemic, "be prepared and don't wait till a disaster occurs," she said.

In the communications area, Billings said "there must be clear, concise, consistent messaging, which we do not have in the pandemic situation." The near-Earth object awareness strategy and action plan lays out "who's in charge of what in the event of an actual impact threat," she said.

LINK to Article:  

Pooping in a Car, Van or RV: Review of Buckets and the Thetford Porta-Potti

from CheapRVliving...
"If you're going to live as a nomad in a car, van or RV, you must find a
solution to the need to go to the bathroom, we all poop! In this video
we show you two easy solutions. The first is going in a 5-gallon bucket,
the second is using a Porta Potty. We then review the Thetford Porta

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Hacked Twitter Bit Coin Accounts

from Michael at the Patriot Hour...

2020 Summer Deer Hunting Chore Priorities

from Whitetail Habitat Solutions...
"I hope that you enjoy a glimpse in the Sturgis household and what deer chores we are completing for this Fall. My personal Summer deer hunting chore checklist is extremely long and nearly overwhelming - in a good way! With new land and an extremely successful career the deer chores to complete are endless and I have to prioritize. Here are the Summer deer hunting chores that I have completed so far, and how I am making sure that I am prioritizing my activities to make sure that myself and my family have a great hunt this Fall."

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Article Link: Clinton’s and Biden’s Massacre ~ Waco’s Branch Davidian Slaughter a Preview of Today’s Evil Politicians?

from Conservative Base, by
The record of the Waco incident documents mistakes. What the record from Waco does not evidence, however, is any improper motive or intent on the part of law enforcement.” ~Joseph Biden, U.S. Senator, Delaware (D) and member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which issued the Waco Investigation Report. ” In 1993, Tanks were used to crush the compound’s outer perimeter and outer buildings, private vehicles belonging to the Branch Davidians, and repeatedly rolled over the grave of Branch Davidian’s Peter Gent, despite protests from both Branch Davidians and federal negotiators. “While none of this is acceptable, two of these activities bear special examination: the gas and flash bang grenades."

Link to Article:

Article: 8 Helpful Tips for Introducing the Prepper Lifestyle to Your Family

from Prepper Journal by a Guest Author
"So, you bought into the idea of hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, which is great! But how do you get your family onboard the prepper lifestyle when they may be less excited about it than you? Whether you’re trying to convince your extended or immediate family to adopt the prepper lifestyle, it can be a difficult task. Here’s why some people are leery of prepping for the worst and some simple tips to get your family on board."

LINK to Article:

Monday, July 6, 2020

Qanon July 6, 2020 - It's Going to Be a Hot Summer

Top Five Useful Knots for camping, survival, hiking, and more

AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit (FULL MOVIE/FREE until July 6th!) Please subscribe!

Strange Mutations: Fish, Insects, Plants - "What is going ON"

Strange Wildlife Behavior / Sahara Sandstorm Update / Sky Phenomena

from MrMBB333 07/06/20
Strange animal behavior, strange lights in the sky...

LIVE UFO 360 Degree Turn Infrared + Birthing Stars & Possibly Triangular Spaceship On The Moon?

from Bruce Sees All 07/06/20...

Dutchsinse 07/05/20 ~ June/July Updates of GSM and Eruptions at Nishinoshima

Important! Share this with everyone!


An Important Message from One of Our Observatories...

Friday, July 3, 2020

The U.S. Is At A Tipping Point. Where Is This Heading? What's Next?

from City Prepping 07/03/20...

"As the Covid-19 pandemic rages on and states having to roll back their re-opening policies, what is coming next? What can we expect the next few months? What are you doing to get ready?"

The Only Three Things You Have and Need When Times Get Tough

from Curtis Stone's heart...

My neighbours thought I was crazy for doing this! | EMF Free Home

from Curtis Stone, an urban market farmer...

Dutchsinse 07/01/20 ~ Earthquake Update / Multiple locations yet to be hit / West Coast USA and West Pacific

from Dutchsinse, best earthquake info around!

WARNING: Things are Heating Up!

from Canadian Prepper...

"It wont be long before another major incident triggers upheaval. Stay alert and stay ready, at the same time its important to be prepared but not scared."

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Joe M 03/31/2018 ~ Google Home Listening to your every word.

from Joe M for my Q-fan friends...

"A major flaw has been detected in the newly-unveiled Google Home Mini speaker that allows it to secretly record conversations without users knowing. Last week, Google showed off its next-generation smart speakers at an event in San Francisco. Following the event, it sent members of the press home with a review unit of the Google Home Mini, expected to launch on October 19."

Joe M 02/09/2018 ~ Twitter caught suppressing truth, AGAIN!

from Joe M, for my Q-fan Friends...
"As Project Veritas proved, Twitter actively works against people with
the wrong opinions, but more worryingly it suppresses visibility of
tweets that threaten to expose criminals in the government."

Joe M 12/30/2017 ~ A Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals

from Joe M...

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Q 6/30/20 ~ The Qwilight Zone: An Alternate 45

from WWG1WGA...
"A Tale of two 45s... One who was destined for Greatness and one who never thought she'd lose... But what if she DIDN'T? What if by freak occurrence she HAD won and gotten the chance to continue the CABALS plan... You're about to step into a place where this is in fact reality. A vision into the "what-if" that could only be seen.. in the Qwilight Zone."


from Open Source News with BCP...

David Icke on Free Speech

from Rob Moore, an interview with David Icke on 8/27/2018...
"In this interview writer, public speaker and former goalkeeper/sports broadcaster David Icke talks with Rob Moore about freedom of speech vs freedom to conform and the control of information in today's world through 'ghost banning' censorship."

Friday, June 26, 2020


Tour of the Off-Grid Tiny House Built from the Land.

by Rob Greenfield...

"This tiny house serves as a demonstration site for sustainable and simple living to help you live more simply and sustainably wherever you are. In this video I give a tour of the house and the setup and explain how you can adapt basic practices at home to live more in harmony with the earth!"

Great for hunting lodge, off-grid homestead, survival spot, hideout, camping, whatever!

This is a HOSTILE Takeover: Here's How Trump Can End it in 3 Easy Steps

from the Red Elephant with Vincent James 6/26/2020...

Pains Angels 6/26/20 ~ For God and Country @painsangels

from Pains Angeles...
"I would love to do a mash up video of all your oaths. If you decided to
do it publicly. A celebration, as we all come together for a common
cause. Preserving the rights of all Americans, despite race."

Monday, June 22, 2020

Saharan Dust Cloud & Greenland Summer Ice Anomalies (1000)

from Adapt 2030 ~ 6/22/20...


from Wages World...

SOLAR LOCKDOWN: Plandemic & Grand Solar Minimum

from Ice Age Farmer...

The Next Big Event You Need To Prepare For!

from Curtis Stone, Market Gardener in Canada...

News 6 2020 Hurricane Special

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

LINK: NASA "Solar Minimum is Coming"

from NASA Science...

" Sunspots are strongly magnetized, and they crackle with solar flares—magnetic explosions that illuminate Earth with flashes of X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation. The sun is a seething mass of activity... until it's not."

Link yo full article: