Saturday, April 27, 2019

Link: Survive Anaphylaxis

"Anaphylaxis is a severe and harmful allergic reaction that can result in a life-threatening condition called anaphylactic shock. Onset is often swift and sudden, within minutes or even a few seconds after exposure to an allergen such as food, an insect bite, venom or medication."

Link goes to steps you can take to survive an attack:

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

How To Create A Buck Vacuum On Your Small Parcel

There are several whitetail habitat, herd and hunting steps that you can practice to attract and hold more bucks on your land this Fall. You can create a vacuum on your small parcel that sucks bucks into your land at just the right time of the year to create a quality herd and hunt. If your land can only be hunted during the rut for the oldest bucks in the neighborhood, then drastic changes need to be made. The steps discussed for creating a buck vacuum in this video, will help you attract bucks, hold bucks, protect bucks and then hunt those same bucks if desired. Whether you call it a buck magnet, a buck vacuum or just simply a set of practices for creating the conditions to hold more bucks on your land, here is how it is done.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Planning For Enough Treestand Cover This Fall

By offering a whitetail the focus of a mock scrape, waterhole or heavily used travel corridor, you can keep the deer focused on somewhere other than your treestand.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Is This Cheap Turbine Really 400 Watts? Best Value for 2019?

This WINDMILL DB-400 claims to be a 400 watt turbine.

How To Dig and Build a Shallow Well

Man from Tiger Creek Farm shows us how to dig and build a well using a brass foot valve and pitcher pump. Says "This dig uses a modified hand auger and took about 4 hours to complete 17 feet with nearly 4 feet of water."