Friday, December 26, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Preparedness: Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst

If you at least exercised the minimum of preparedness as this article outlines here, then you are already well ahead of the game and far more prepared than most other people. LINK to article: Preparedness: Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst | The Conservative Citizen

The Poor Man's SHTF Rifle

It is every man’s duty to be able to protect his family, community, and nation and every citizens duty to exercise the Bill of Rights. If you don’t own a firearm, go out and buy one today. Part of being an American is exercising every single right you have. Remember you are a free and sovereign citizen, not a servant, serf, subject, or slave. Act like it.
LINK to the story: The Poor Man's SHTF Rifle » Dc Gazette

Saturday, December 20, 2014

How to Turn Your Truck Into a Generator

Do you use a lot of power tools? Weather corded or not sometimes you need to use a corded tool and sometimes you may need to charge a non corded tool out in the field. If you have a truck you can add an ac inverter and use your truck as a generator and not have to carry a gas generator around with you.  For around 500 dollars a couple of tools and a few hours of your time you can have 1,800 watts when ever you need them. This could really come in handy if you need to use power tools and you are off grid. Family Handyman shares the instructions to turn your truck into a generator so you can have power when and where you need it. LINK: How to Turn Your Truck Into a Generator

Friday, December 19, 2014

Insulate Your Windows With Bubble Wrap

This is a simple technique for insulating windows with bubble wrap packing material.  Bubble wrap is often used to insulate greenhouse windows in the winter, but it also seems to work fine for windows in the house.   You can use it with or without regular or insulating window shades.  It also works for windows of irregular shape, which can be difficult to find insulating shades for.
LINK:  BubbleWrap

Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Swing Set that Generates Electricity?

"I wanted to make clear that the magnet rotor plates are very heavy and act as a flywheel, smoothing but not "bumping" the power. Also the chain does not move back and forth, but in a single direction. The swingers only affect the drive shaft when they swing forward, on their return trip the roller clutches freewheel back, also allowing the swingers to regain momentum."
A Swing Set that Generates Electricity

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Build a $500 Peg Board Tool Cart for $50 or Less (by Brad Justinen)

Are your tools completely out of control? Do you need a large organization system on the cheap? Then weld your own peg board tool cart for less than $50 (assuming you have a welder and some scrap metal). If you don't own a welder, go buy one. You can buy welders cheap at Harbor Freight and Sears for around $100-$150. LINK: Build a Peg Board Tool Cart (by Brad Justinen)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Five Tips for Driving In Ice and Snow

Driving in ice can become challenging for even the most experienced motorists. To stay safe, follow these top tips:

1. Allow plenty of time for your journey, including time to clear your windows mirrors and lights. It’s important to do this before you set off, not while you’re driving down the road.

2. In bad weather, leave a generous gap between your car and the one in front of you. Remember that braking distances are doubled in wet weather, and 10 times longer if it’s icy.

3. Check the depth of your tyre treads regularly. During the winter, drivers need to be even more mindful of their remaining tyre tread depth.

4. Smoothness is key to driving on snow and ice. You need to brake and steer gently — as if you’re chauffeuring the Queen.

5. Be prepared. Keep food, drink, a torch and extra clothing in the car, a good pair of boots and a shovel, in case you get stranded.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Tools To Survive Economic Collapse

A gentleman who works for the forestry, says you may be able to make it through hard times, by going into the wood cutting business, for people who need wood for cooking and keeping warm. Here, he gives his ideas.

Top 5 Places Where Not To Be When the Dollar Collapses

Israel, Southern California, United Kingdom, New York City, and Washington D.C.