Friday, December 26, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Preparedness: Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst

If you at least exercised the minimum of preparedness as this article outlines here, then you are already well ahead of the game and far more prepared than most other people. LINK to article: Preparedness: Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst | The Conservative Citizen

The Poor Man's SHTF Rifle

It is every man’s duty to be able to protect his family, community, and nation and every citizens duty to exercise the Bill of Rights. If you don’t own a firearm, go out and buy one today. Part of being an American is exercising every single right you have. Remember you are a free and sovereign citizen, not a servant, serf, subject, or slave. Act like it.
LINK to the story: The Poor Man's SHTF Rifle » Dc Gazette

Saturday, December 20, 2014

How to Turn Your Truck Into a Generator

Do you use a lot of power tools? Weather corded or not sometimes you need to use a corded tool and sometimes you may need to charge a non corded tool out in the field. If you have a truck you can add an ac inverter and use your truck as a generator and not have to carry a gas generator around with you.  For around 500 dollars a couple of tools and a few hours of your time you can have 1,800 watts when ever you need them. This could really come in handy if you need to use power tools and you are off grid. Family Handyman shares the instructions to turn your truck into a generator so you can have power when and where you need it. LINK: How to Turn Your Truck Into a Generator

Friday, December 19, 2014

Insulate Your Windows With Bubble Wrap

This is a simple technique for insulating windows with bubble wrap packing material.  Bubble wrap is often used to insulate greenhouse windows in the winter, but it also seems to work fine for windows in the house.   You can use it with or without regular or insulating window shades.  It also works for windows of irregular shape, which can be difficult to find insulating shades for.
LINK:  BubbleWrap

Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Swing Set that Generates Electricity?

"I wanted to make clear that the magnet rotor plates are very heavy and act as a flywheel, smoothing but not "bumping" the power. Also the chain does not move back and forth, but in a single direction. The swingers only affect the drive shaft when they swing forward, on their return trip the roller clutches freewheel back, also allowing the swingers to regain momentum."
A Swing Set that Generates Electricity

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Build a $500 Peg Board Tool Cart for $50 or Less (by Brad Justinen)

Are your tools completely out of control? Do you need a large organization system on the cheap? Then weld your own peg board tool cart for less than $50 (assuming you have a welder and some scrap metal). If you don't own a welder, go buy one. You can buy welders cheap at Harbor Freight and Sears for around $100-$150. LINK: Build a Peg Board Tool Cart (by Brad Justinen)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Five Tips for Driving In Ice and Snow

Driving in ice can become challenging for even the most experienced motorists. To stay safe, follow these top tips:

1. Allow plenty of time for your journey, including time to clear your windows mirrors and lights. It’s important to do this before you set off, not while you’re driving down the road.

2. In bad weather, leave a generous gap between your car and the one in front of you. Remember that braking distances are doubled in wet weather, and 10 times longer if it’s icy.

3. Check the depth of your tyre treads regularly. During the winter, drivers need to be even more mindful of their remaining tyre tread depth.

4. Smoothness is key to driving on snow and ice. You need to brake and steer gently — as if you’re chauffeuring the Queen.

5. Be prepared. Keep food, drink, a torch and extra clothing in the car, a good pair of boots and a shovel, in case you get stranded.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Tools To Survive Economic Collapse

A gentleman who works for the forestry, says you may be able to make it through hard times, by going into the wood cutting business, for people who need wood for cooking and keeping warm. Here, he gives his ideas.

Top 5 Places Where Not To Be When the Dollar Collapses

Israel, Southern California, United Kingdom, New York City, and Washington D.C.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

VIDEO: #1 Best Food Storage Seminar! with Wendy DeWitt

This is probably the best training seminar on food storage, if you have NOTHING right now, and want to get started, but can only afford about 1-dollar per day!

Everything Under The Sun: Food Storage

This has excellent information, for the newcomer, and even old pro's will learn something here!
LINK: Everything Under The Sun: Food Storage

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Hidden Internet - Exploring The Deep Web

GeekBlogTV takes you on a journey into what experts are calling "The Deep Web". In this episode, he will show you what that term means, and how to get there, and gives a bit of a description of what you might find. Catch us on the next segment of "The Hidden Internet," where he will be exploring an obscure protocol, seldom used but by the most elite by the name of "Gopher."

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Great Prepper App for Kids - Monsters!!!

In his own words, “Initiation is a little slow, but after that it gets way cooler. I like the music, and that I got to graduate at the end. My favorite level was Tornado, but I also really liked learning about smoke alarms. Oh, and it’s funny when the top secret leader reveals who she really is!”
 See more at:

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A World Affairs Brief - What are the Real Threats? by Joel Skousen

This is a live presentation given at the Do It Now Preparedness Expo on Oct. 11, 2014 by Joel Skousen editor and publisher of the weekly World Affairs Brief.

Friday, October 10, 2014

How to Make a Solar Still - DIY - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

How to Make a Solar Still - DIY - MOTHER EARTH NEWS: “DIY Solar Projects” by Eric Smith provides plans for a standalone solar water heater, wood kiln, battery charging station and other convenient sun-powered house projects.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

HT Create Faux Barn Wood for Extra Money

If you have no access to weathered pallet wood or barn wood, MAKE YOUR OWN! If your build requires new wood for stability and integrity, but you still want the old look... here ya go!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

HT Build an Axearoon Handle

The Axearoon / Pickaroon is a tool WranglerStar says he would be lost without. When it comes to cleaning up large branches, moving small logs or picking up split cord wood a axearoon / hookaroon is absolutely a force multiplier. In this video he builds a custom handle for this hand forged axearoon. There are two parts to his Instructions:
Part One -
Part Two -

HT Strip Varnished Tool Handles & Recoat with Linseed Oil

Get yourself a small spoke shave, boiled linseed oil, 180 grit sandpaper (from an auto parts store), a set of "soft paws" for your vice, a good file, and some decent leather bee's wax, and you're off to do your Fall tool cleaning chores. WranglerStar shows you how.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

DIY: Make A Waste Oil Heater

Instead of dumping your used oil, why not use it for heating? You can burn all types of oil – gear, vegetable, engine, hydraulic, transmission, biodiesel, etc. This heater/stove can be built easily with spare parts and provide you with heat without cost. DIY Time: Make A Waste Oil Heater | Truth And Action

Saturday, September 6, 2014

How To Build a Wildlife Habitat Snag

"This was the most difficult video I have ever produced. Filming a video 40 feet up a tree is challenging. Habitat snags are a vital component for a properly manged forest stand. How to build a Habitat Tree." ~WranglerStar

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How to make an emergency candle with Crisco...

This VIDEO shows how to make a simple emergency candle using a wick, a can of Crisco, and a lighter. LINK: 

Note: There is a link in the ABOUT section, that shows this candle after 5 hours.

DIY Build Your Own Smokehouse For $100

VIDEO: With a pile of old pallets and some inexpensive materials you can build a smokehouse capable of smoking a whole deer or hog. There are also multiple racks for trays of meats and sausages, which can provide a source protein for preppers, campers, hikers, etc. interested in keeping meat without the need of refrigeration. This video provides good step-by-step instruction on building your own smokehouse for around $100... the cost of just a few pounds of beef jerky in the store!
Read More + Watch Video:

Friday, August 29, 2014

DIY Biogas Generator to Produce Your Own Natural Gas

"According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, about 600 U.S. landfills capture methane to use in a variety of ways, including firing glass-blowing and pottery kilns, heating greenhouses, and even powering an ice rink. Other planned projects will convert landfill gas to methanol for use as an alternative fuel for vehicles." - LINK: Make a Biogas Generator to Produce Your Own Natural Gas - Renewable Energy - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

Monday, August 18, 2014

Why You Should Start Raising Rabbits

Rick Perry tells why, and how, to raise Florida Whites. There are two videos here. The second one gets into how to make the cages, and the book he used to get his instructions. LINK: Why You Should Start Raising Rabbits | Truth And Action

Saturday, August 16, 2014

VIDEO: Easy To Use Flint and Steel Fire Starter

This video covers an easy to use, all-in-one flint and steel fire starter by Ultimate Survival Technologies called Blast Match. The video also covers the product Wetfire from the same company. With this waxy substance you can start a fire, even on top of water. Please note that we are in no way affiliated with Ultimate Survival Technologies, but find these to be interesting looking products. If you do purchase their products you will deal only with their company. LINK: Easy To Use FPublish Postlint and Steel Fire Starter | Truth And Action

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Car Survival Kit – Emergency Bug Out Bag

What are the best items to have inside your bug out bag...a bag you can keep in your car or near by to give you peace of mind that you are a good Boy Scout? This excellent video details item selection for bug out bags and outlines the thinking behind the choices. LINK to VIDEO:
Car Survival Kit – Emergency Bug Out Bag | Truth And Action

Home Security: How To Create A Booby Trap Trip Wire Alarm

Here´s a short VIDEO to enhance home security by creating a booby trap trip wire alarm, especially handy in situations where there is no power, on or off the grid. This setup can be used with fire flares, blanks or pepper gas shells - great for helping protect the perimeter.
Home Security: How To Create A Booby Trap Trip Wire Alarm | Truth And Action

DIY Solar Power Ice Maker + Simple Air Conditioner

This solar ice maker setup is relatively easy to create and will make around 5lbs of ice every 4 hours.

You will need:

- Solar panel(s) that can output 90w

- batteries

- charge controller

- 1000 watt inverter

- Ice maker

You must use a 1000 watt inverter because the ice maker needs 800 watts for one-tenth of a second to turn on. Afterwards it will run on 90 watts per hour.

Now that you have ice, you have an air conditioner! Check out their other post on how to make a $454 air conditioner for around $15 using the link below.

Watch the video:

DIY Solar Power Ice Maker + Simple Air Conditioner | Truth And Action

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

VIDEO: DIY Car Security Kill Switch

A simple and inexpensive car security kill switch could give you a layer of protection to prevent car theft. This instruction will illustrate installation of a kill switch that will not allow the car to be started without the switch being on, which you would place in a not-so-obvious place in your car. With the switch on thieves have another difficulty to deal with with trying to start your car.
Note that the actual instruction begins at 1:30 in the video.
DIY Car Security Kill Switch | Truth And Action

VIDEO SET: Knife Sharpening Boot Camp

This set of short videos gives you an understanding of knife sharpening. Learn how to get razor sharp knives every time using different types of sharpeners: stone, diamond, leather etc. Learn some finer points and tricks to sharpening techniques. There is a lot of detail in the videos, mostly geared to the novice.
Knife Sharpening Boot Camp | Truth And Action

VIDEO: Make A Solar Food Dehydrator From Cans

Save on the electricity bill - dehydrate your food with solar power.

This very detailed video instruction will take you step by step through the process of creating a food dehydrator with inexpensive materials.
Make A Solar Food Dehydrator From Cans | Truth And Action

Sunday, August 10, 2014

VIDEO: DIY Portable Emergency Water Filter

Should you not have a Lifestraw, which is probably the best personal, portable water filter on the market, here is a simple water filtration system for you hikers, preppers, and anything in between.

To match the video you will need:

- Plastic water bottle
- fine sand and course sand
- charcoal (most important)
- a couple rubber bands
- cloth
LINK: Portable Emergency Water Filter | Truth And Action

Saturday, August 9, 2014

DIY Build a Solar USB Charger!

This build it yourself portable solar charger can provide USB power when your device runs out of juice.

You will need:
- A small solar panel
- A AA battery holder
- 2 rechargeable batteries
- A standard diode
- Some wire

DIY Metal Can Solar Heater

VIDEO: This simple solar heater made of metal cans, steel or aluminum, can produce a surprisingly strong and consistent airflow upwards of 140F. On a heavy snow day you're looking at somewhere around 75-85F. Watch the video:
DIY Metal Can Solar Heater | Truth And Action

VIDEO: Easy Wind Mill For Under $200

"This is one of the most simple wind mills we’ve found. You can create this power generating wind mill for under $200."

Watch the Video: Very Simple And Easy Wind Mill For Under $200 | Truth And Action

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sneaky Tool Could Save Your Life and Flies Under The Radar

"What may look like an innocent women’s beauty accessory, could quite possible get you out of a pinch in a hurry. Not to mention it’s innovative design may outsmart airport security — at least for now."
LINK: The Sneaky Tool Could Save Your Life That Flies Under The Radar – Universal Free Press

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Maple Grove, Great for Survivalists

Great Article written by "Jack."
Jack is a former US Marine and has a passion for the outdoors, survival and is a continuous scholar in the Military Arts. He likes sharing his knowledge for the betterment of everybody and is a Contracted Security Professional.  Food Sources | G2G Gear

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Odds and Ends To A Converted Camper Van

Things you can do to your SHTF Van, to add storage, heat, solar etc.


Takes about $2 worth of materials for each candle, so it'll cost about $24 and about an hour of your time to make one dozen of these.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Nature Wonder Wild Food Weekend - Sept 19-21

Nature Wonder Wild Food Weekend
Cairo, West Virginia September 19 - 21, 2014
Nature Wonder Weekend is open to anyone from beginning to advanced foragers. Past keynote speakers have included Euell Gibbons, Dr. John Kallas of Wild Food Adventures, Dr. Peter Gail of Goosefoot Acres, Samuel Thayer of Forager's Harvest, Mike Krebill, Edelene Wood, Bill Faust, author John Tomikel, and Doug Elliot, among many others. This years main speaker is Dr. John Kallas who will do two programs during the weekend. For more information, follow the link above.

Midwest Wild Harvest Festival - Sept 12-14

Midwest Wild Harvest Festival
Prairie du Chien, WI
September 12 - 14, 2014
The Midwest Wild Harvest Festival is open to anyone from beginning to advanced foragers. A group of diverse instructors provide workshop options for registrants. And like all these wild food weekends, there are ample opportunities to make friends, discuss wild foods, learn and play. Over the weekend there are a total of about 8.5 hours of outdoor workshops and activities, a keynote speaker on Friday evening and a two hour open forum where participants share their wild food experiences and knowledge. There is a wild food potluck dinner on Friday night prior to the Keynote presentation. Participants can enter a contest for the best wild food dishes. There is general playfulness and music after dinner on Saturday night. Five meals are provided starting with the Friday evening wild food potluck and ending with Sunday morning breakfast. The Friday potluck is all about wild foods, the remaining meals are healthy organic conventional foods peppered with wild foods when possible. Meals are prepared by staff and served in an indoor dining hall.

Participants can choose to camp or stay in a dorm at the facility at no extra charge. More information, follow the link above.

GingerRoot Rendezvous - June 27-30

GingerRoot Rendezvous - Wild Food Intensive
Being held in Silverton Oregon June 27-30
"Unless you stay off site, you will be bringing your own tent and camping equipment. Food: We will provide simple cold breakfasts for Saturday & Sunday. Together, we will make wild food dinners for Saturday & Sunday, as well as Monday breakfast from the foods we gather during the Rendezvous. You will be responsible for providing your own food on Friday, sack lunches for Saturday and Sunday and all the snack food you want to eat for four days. Refrigeration may not be available, so plan accordingly. Bring a plate, bowl, cup and utensils for use at your own tent. A cooler if you know you'll want one. Conventional food supplies will be available in Hood River."
Follow the link above for more information.

Wild Food Summit - June 19-22

Wild Food Summit - at White Earth Lake
White Earth, Minnesota, June 19-22, 2014

This link will take you to an all outdoor event where participants stay in tents or trailers for three nights and four days. Wild foods are gathered from the local surroundings or are brought in by wild harvesters and hunters. Foods are prepared on site over open fires, using propane stoves, or in cooking pits.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Free And Unlimited Fuel To Heat Your Home

"Every day we have tons of paper sent to us in the mail, boxes that our food is packaged in and in my case, lots of beer packaging. In this video I show you how to turn all that paper into something very useful, a way to heat your home for free."

Tiny off-grid home packs storage stairs, 2 lofts, tub in 136 sq ft.

Julie Olson drew up plans for exactly what she needed and sent them to Jason Dietz of Molecule Tiny Homes. Over a couple of months he built her home to her specifications: a fold-out porch, storage stairs, 2 lofts (1 for sleeping, 1 for storage), a slim closet, and a bathroom with tub, composting toilet, tiny sink and escape window/door. The 136-square-foot home can run completely off grid with rooftop photovoltaic panels, solar batteries, a propane tank and a tankless water heater. Total cost was $45,000, but Dietz says you could bring that down by about half if you built it yourself. Part of the reason small homes on wheels cost more per square foot is because they require structural support to survive on the road. This home was built in Santa Cruz, California and it made its first trip over 3,000 miles to Maine where Olson moved in with her cats and dog to travel and study.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

First Aid for Wound Care

Are you prepared for a Wound Emergency? Take this test, and find out where you need to study more, or have more items in your Health Care Kit...

WebMD Quiz: First Aid for Wound Care -- Are You Prepared?

Monday, May 19, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014

DIY Evap. Solar Air Cooler using a 5 Gallon Bucket

How to make an Evap./Swamp Air Cooler using a 5 gallon bucket. Evaporative Cooler works very well. Easy to make. Powerful breeze. Low temps. For even more cooling, add ice to the water. Holds 2 gallons of water at a time. Takes about 15 watts of power to run. Can be solar powered.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Enhance your dexterity - COMBAT JUGGLING!!

"Combat juggling is an actual sport. And one day, it will probably be the subject of a movie starring Ben Stiller, Jason Bateman, and Zach Galifianakis."
Here's a link to show some moves...
92 KQRS Minnesota's Classic Rock - COMBAT JUGGLING!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

7 Foods Your Body Needs If You Stop Eating Meat

Good to know... in another 10 years we probably won't be able to AFFORD meat.
Becoming a Vegetarian: 7 Foods Your Body Needs If You Stop Eating Meat

Foraging Food: Wild & Organic

Great article for those that love doing this. Bring your photo manual! Don't eat anything before being POSITIVE it's not poisonous! Here the link at Planet Natural:
Foraging Food: Wild & Organic | Planet Natural

April-May is Snake Mating Season

April and May is mating season for snakes, so there is always an influx of them in May and June. If you have even the slightest crack under your doors, they may worm their way inside. Here's a solution:
put glue style rat traps just outside your doors. Just remember they are there, and step over them, when you leave your house.

How to Make Fish Fertilizer

Make your own organic fertilizer, and at the same time, have an excuse to go FISHING!
Here's the link: How to Make Fish Fertilizer | eHow

Sunday, March 16, 2014

How to Remove Radiation From Your Body Naturally

Radiation can be removed from your body through many natural methods and naturally occurring elements. Learning about these could mean the difference between good health and the possibility of facing diseases such as cancer. In the light of recently occurring events, it becomes imperative that we hone up our knowledge on the different ways in which we can remove radiation from our body, or even try to eliminate it completely. Now, when the winds from Japan are caring high amounts of radiation to U.S., it’s very important to stock up on the products listed in the link below.
How to Remove Radiation From Your Body Naturally

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Four Acres and Independence - A Self-Sufficient Farmstead

Mushrooms, sheep, geese, a small orchard, and growing/drying his own fruit and vegetables, working the soil to perfect it, rerouting rain-water, all to be independent. A nice story...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Build an Emergency Heater For Your Car

Here are simple instructions for making an emergency heater to keep in the trunk of your car, or behind the seat of your pickup truck. In a pinch, it could also be used for a very small room. This costs less than $10.00

Click the link below to download a 4-page instructional PDF with clickable links.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Wisconsin family discovers fully-stocked fallout shelter in their back yard

The family cleared away the bushes that had grown over the cover of the shelter and unlocked the chain that secured the doors closed, opened an ammo box and found... cool aid! Wait till you see what ELSE they found. It had been 50 years since built. Here's the link:
Wisconsin family discovers fully-stocked fallout shelter in their back yard 50 years after it was installed at the height of the Cold War | Mail Online

How To Build A Smokehouse From Pallets for Less than $100

I don’t know if you have ever smoked meat before, but it is a rewarding, yet time consuming task. Since your meat will be preserved, and therefore good for a long time, it makes the most sense to be able to smoke a lot at once. After determining how much wood we needed for a decent size smoker, we decided to go with repurposed pallets. For less than $100, we were able to put together this great smokehouse that can hold a ton of meat. Multiple racks for smoking as well as a place to hang sausages, you can even hang a whole deer in it if you like. Here is the Link:

DIY Smoker- How To Build A Smokehouse From Pallets for Less than $100 - DIY Ready - DIY Ready

Friday, January 31, 2014

Survive-a-Storm Compact Storm Shelter

6-Feet Wide x 10-Feet Deep x 6 Feet Tall, 340 Cubic Feet, Rated for Up to 16 Occupants. Does not say how much it is, presumed expensive, gives phone number to answer question. Link:

Survive-a-Storm Max Model Compact Storm Shelter | Tornado Shelter

Marie's Farm - organic and off the grid

The stereotype of the farmer who works dawn to dusk doesn't apply to Lance Storm, a 32-year-old tinkerer who took over his family's 108-acre property in Pescadero to farm. At Marie's Farm, named for his late grandmother, the vibe is more vacation than vocation. The place for the most part is run by volunteers, there are no profit-and-loss statements - and really, no plan at all. Here's the link...

Marie's Farm - organic and off the grid - SFGate

Growing Food in a Drought

As some regions (hello, California!) are looking ahead to a parched, dry summer, a lot of people might be reconsidering the idea of planting a vegetable garden at all. If you’re not ready to completely throw in the towel, there are a number of tactics to consider that will still allow you to harvest fresh veggies from your backyard garden. Here is a helpful article, as well as a great website...

Growing Food in a Drought | Attainable Sustainable

Sunday, January 26, 2014

10-5 Gallon Mylar Bags for $14

10-5 Gallon Mylar Bags and 10-2000cc Oxyfree Oxygen Absorbers for Dried Dehydrated and Long Term Food Storage, for $14+6.49 s/h from Advice & Beans.  LINK: - 10-5 Gallon Mylar Bags and 10-2000cc Oxyfree Oxygen Absorbers for Dried Dehydrated and Long Term Food Storage - Food Savers

.     20"x30" Foil lined, 4.3 mil Thick!

  • Sealable With Hot Iron - Can Reseal After Opening

  • Ideal for Long Term Food Storage

  • 2,000cc Oxygen Absorbers made by OxyFree with indicator pill/eye

  • Light, Moisture, Oxygen Barrier & Puncture Resistant

  •  Move fast because there is only ONE!

  • Friday, January 24, 2014

    The Cost of Going Solar

    Ever wonder what size a solar panel system you need or how much one costs? Use this solar calculator to estimate the solar cost and size of a solar energy project in your area. Link:

    The Cost of Going Solar

    How Do I Save My Seeds?

    "But remember, only seeds from Open-Pollinated Heirloom, not hybrid, plants will produce the same crop next year." - here's the link:

    How Do I Save My Seeds?

    Do It Yourself Well Drilling

    If you are in an area where the water table is fairly high and don't have granite under you:

    Seed Sowing in the Snow

    By now (January) the garden has spent all the veggies. So now what? Starve? Nope, here's a little trick for gardening in the winter. Here's the link:

    Seed Sowing in the Snow | Garden Design

    Wednesday, January 22, 2014

    Winter Farming: A Tale of Bitter and Sweet

    "Winter farming is a big gamble," he said. "It's like rolling the dice every year." 

    How To Build a Self Watering Pop Bottle Garden Grow System

    This is awesome for winter growing. These can go into your mudroom, garage, shed, barn, basement, anywhere that is protected from the cold.

    Starting Seeds In 3 Inch Net Cups!

    For those of you who want to start seeds in your basement or garage during winter, here is a different take on it. This guy has had great results starting them in net cups and a quarter inch of water.

    No Farm Animals in Michigan Residential Neighborhoods

    Well THAT sucks! Next it will be MY state!
    No more farm animals in residential neighborhoods, Michigan agriculture committee advises |

    Wednesday, January 15, 2014

    Monday, January 13, 2014

    The Robot Dragonfly

    This would be great for those who are off the grid, but need some form of home security surveillances...

    Wednesday, January 8, 2014

    Blow Your Way To Safety

    I can think of five good reasons to carry a whistle off the top of my head.
    This article's a good one. LINK:
    Blow your way to safety. | PrepareUK
    After you read it, LIKE his Facebook page at PREPAREUK.

    Monday, January 6, 2014

    Handy Items to Attach to B.O.B, Go Bag, or Grabpak

    We had our first snow of the season here in lower middle Tennessee last night. It's now 7:25am and is still only 12-degrees!
    Here's something I found on the Internet that may come in handy if TSHTF. LINK:
    handy items to attach to B.O.B/Go Bag & grabpak | PrepareUK
    After you visit this link, be sure to check out his Facebook page. Just type in "PREPAREUK."

    Saturday, January 4, 2014

    Homemade Deodorant Recipe

    Recipe for home made deodorant using rosemary, lemongrass and coconut oil. LINK:
    Delicious Obsessions Make Your Own: Homemade Deodorant Recipe with Rosemary, Lemongrass, and Coconut Oil

    Emergency Can Example by PrepareUK

    Go here first to check out the CAN list...
    emergency can example | PrepareUK

    Then go to Facebook to LIKE his page at PREPAREUK.

    Survival Checklist by PREPAREUK

    Go here first for the checklist...
    check list | PrepareUK
    Then go visit and LIKE his Facebook page at PREPAREUK.

    Survivorman - Off The Grid - Full Documentary

    Grab some popcorn and settle down for an entertaining and educational documentary about a family of four who decide to live off the grid. Then visit their Facebook page at PREPAREUK.

    Video From a Legal, Privately-Owned Drone Is Breathtaking

    ALL survivalists and preppers need one of these for self defence purposes! LINK:
    Video From a Legal, Privately-Owned Drone Is Breathtaking | Video |

    Friday, January 3, 2014

    How To Roast A Chicken – The Key To Crisp Skin and Juicy Meat

    "The real key is to end up with crisp skin and juicy meat. And if you are looking for extra crispy skin, rub the chicken skin with salt the night before you roast it." LINK:
    How To Roast A Chicken – The Key To Crisp Skin and Juicy Meat | Old World Garden Farms