Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Big Brown Bats

Whatever you do, however ferocious he may look, DO NOT KILL this fine creature that helps us balance nature and the human need to kill bugs! His food consists mainly of beetles, but also other flying insects including houseflies, mosquitoes, flying ants, wasps, leafhoppers, and moths.
Tennessee Watchable Wildlife | Big Brown Bat

Find a Farmer's Market Near You!

This app on the USDA website will help you find out where the closest Farmer's Markets are...
Agricultural Marketing Service - Agricultural Marketing Service - Home

Can GMOs Be Used in Organic Products?

"NO" says the USDA...
USDA Blog » Organic 101: Can GMOs Be Used in Organic Products?

Fraudulent Organic Certificates

You can find a list of Fraudulent Organic Certificates here...
Agricultural Marketing Service - NOP Fraudulent Certificates

Certified Organic Operations

The National Organic Program (NOP) oversees USDA-accredited certifying agents and their certification of organic production and handling operations. In January of each year, the NOP receives information on certified operations from certifying agents. This list shows all certified operations as reported to the NOP on January 2, 2013. Click on the "Operations" button to get them in Alpha order.
Agricultural Marketing Service - Home